The ELLAS – Women and Philanthropy project has the mission of creating a philanthropic movement of women of all ages and economic conditions.
We believe that the generation of a new philanthropy led by women is key to strengthening a participatory, democratic civil society tailored to the needs of equity and social justice in the region.
The General Objective of ELLAS is to generate innovative mechanisms to promote social investment in women's projects financed by women in favor of women's rights.
The Specific Objectives are:
Empower women's social leadership - Strengthen their ability to mobilize new resources for the advancement of girls and women;
Highlight the innovative perspectives that women contribute to development and social progress from their role as philanthropists;
Contribute to making philanthropy increasingly inclusive in terms of social segments and generations of women.
Strengthen feminist philanthropy.

Florencia Roitstein (Argentina), Executive Director
Professor at the University of San Andrés, Consultant for international organizations and national and multinational companies with a focus, from a gender perspective, on the interface between environmental sustainability, social equity and economic development.
Silvia Aguiao (Brazil)
Anthropologist and social scientist. She is currently an associate researcher at AFRO - Center for Research and Training in Race, Gender and Racial Justice (AFRO/CEBRAP) and the Latin American Center for Sexuality and Human Rights (CLAM / UERJ), working on projects in the areas of gender, sexuality and race in its interfaces with social movements, human rights and public policies. Editor of Sexuality, Health and Society - Latin American Magazine and author of the book “Fazer-se no Estado. An ethnography on the process of constituting two 'LGBT' as subjects of rights in contemporary Brazil” (Eduerj, 2018).
Ma. Valeria Gutiérrez González (Nicaragua, Central America)
Economist by profession and feminist by political decision. I have work experience in development issues related to women's human rights, education and environmental sustainability, facilitator of training processes and university teacher, work with popular education and ludopedagogy approaches. I am Nicaraguan, I love nature, I am always learning, I am self-taught, I am committed to living a life worth living and I try to promote fairer relationships between all beings and the ecosystem.
Inés M. Pousadela (Uruguay, Southern Cone)
Senior Research Specialist at CIVICUS and Professor of Comparative Politics and Global Civil Society at the ORT University of Montevideo, Uruguay. She has a PhD in Political Science and a Master's in Economic Sociology, and is the author of numerous publications on civil society, democratization, political participation, and social mobilization in Argentina and Latin America. His research work at CIVICUS focuses on the contributions of civil society, the defense of civic space and the activism of social movements globally.
Mariely Rivera-Hernández (Puerto Rico, Caribbean)
Executive Director of the ChangeMaker Foundation in Puerto Rico. I have an academic and professional practice trajectory working for 26 years in the non-profit sector, academia, social enterprises and the government and private sectors. The main issues that I have worked on are focused on problematizing access to funds and financing opportunities for organizations that support the denunciations and disclosure of inequities among vulnerable populations, such as: women, children, homeless people, poor rural communities, communities gentrified urban areas, and LGBTTTIQ+ groups.
Claudia Toro (Colombia, Andean region)
I am Colombian, sociologist with basic training, with postgraduate studies in human and social development, and I have an Honorary Doctorate in Human Sciences. From the third sector I have participated, led and evaluated projects with a gender perspective in education and social development. I am a university professor and MEL consultant. From these areas of expertise, my commitment is to guarantee the human rights of children and rural women and men.
Andrés Thompson (Uruguay), Senior Advisor and co-founder of ELLAS
Feminist. From 1994 to 2010 he was director of programs for Latin America and the Caribbean at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in Batlle Creek, Michigan, USA. International consultant in philanthropy, development and social investment.
Eva María Villanueva Gutiérrez (México), Consejo Asesor
Feminista. Maestra en Estudios de Género por El Colegio de México y Psicóloga por la UMSNH. Actualmente curso el doctorado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He colaborado en el fortalecimiento institucional de organizaciones de la sociedad civil en México. He desarrollado distintas investigaciones sociales con perspectiva de género en Instituciones de Educación Superior. Asimismo, he realizado investigaciones aplicadas para el tercer sector y agencias internacionales; algunas de ellas enmarcadas en el tema de cuidados para la sostenibilidad de la sociedad civil.

There are many people in various institutions who from the beginning supported us in the development of this project and from various countries of the world. In particular:

Avina Foundation
Argentine Network for International Cooperation (RACI)
Center for State and Society Studies (CEDES)
FLOR, Leadership and Organizations Foundation, Buenos Aires
General Directorate for the Strengthening of Civil Society, Undersecretary of Social Promotion, Ministry of Social Development, Autonomous Government of the city from Buenos Aires
Secretariat for Women, Ministry of Social Development, Autonomous Government of the Buenos aires city.
Circle of Women Donors: Group of 10, Buenos Aires
GROW Gender Consulting, Buenos airs
Mariana Perel, journalist, Buenos Aires
Wingu, Buenos Aires
Wormholeit, Buenos Aires
University of San Andres
Inter-American Foundation, Local Support Service in Argentina

Globo Network, CSR, Rio de Janeiro
Elas Fund, Rio de Janeiro
Participate, Salvador de Bahia

China Foundation Center, Beijing

Center for the Study of Philanthropy, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
New School of Social Research, New York
Synergos Institute, New York
The Nathan Fund, New York
The Ford Foundation, New York
WK Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek.
Open Society Foundations, New York
International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), Baltimore
ESSEC Business School, Chair on Philanthropy, Paris
Guy Sorman, Paris

There are many people in various institutions who from the beginning supported us in the development of this project and from various countries of the world. In particular:

Avina Foundation
Argentine Network for International Cooperation (RACI)
Center for State and Society Studies (CEDES)
General Directorate for the Strengthening of Civil Society, Undersecretary of Social Promotion, Ministry of Social Development, Autonomous Government of the city from Buenos Aires
Secretariat for Women, Ministry of Social Development, Autonomous Government of the city of Buenos Aires.
Circle of Women Donors: Group of 10, Buenos Aires
GROW Gender Consulting, Buenos airs
Wingu, Buenos Aires
Wormholeit, Buenos Aires
University of San Andres
Inter-American Foundation, Local Support Service in Argentina

ESSEC Business School, Chair on Philanthropy, Paris
Guy Sorman, Paris
Maison de l´Amerique Latine
Argentine Embassy in France

Mexican Center for Philanthropy
Center for Research and Studies on Civil Society, AC, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
AC Solidarity Action Fund (FASOL)
Globo Network, CSR, Rio de Janeiro
Elas Fund, Rio de Janeiro
Participate, Salvador de Bahia
Worldwide Initiative for Grant-Makers Support (WINGS)

China Foundation Center, Beijing

Center for the Study of Philanthropy, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
New School of Social Research, New York
Synergos Institute, New York
The Nathan Fund, New York
The Ford Foundation, New York
WK Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek.
Open Society Foundations, New York
International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), Baltimore
InterAmerican Foundation
Hispanics in Philanthropy

Global Fund for Community Foundations

The Funding Network
alliance magazine

Embassy of the United States in Uruguay
Institute of Communication and Development
TEDx Colonia del Sacramento