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We believe that the generation of a new philanthropy led by women is key to strengthening a participatory, democratic civil society tailored to the needs to confront inequality and social injustice in Latin America.


We believe that the generation of a new philanthropy led by women is key to strengthening a participatory, democratic civil society tailored to the needs to confront inequality and social injustice in Latin America.

Building the field of philanthropy and gender justice in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Latin American and Caribbean women's rights movement is at the forefront of the most important social changes happening in the region and, at the same time, institutional philanthropy seems to turn its back on it.


In partnership with Comunalia and WINGS, we conducted research to better understand the regional situation and contribute to increasing and improving the resources available to women's organizations and the feminist movement in the region.

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Philanthropy with a gender perspective in Latin America and the Caribbean: a manual

This handbook will allow donor organizations and individuals to reflect in depth on their policies, programs and supports, and in the process make the internal and external modifications they deem necessary; to make their contribution to social justice and democracy more effective, more sustainable, more daring, more committed, for all women and men in Latin America and the Caribbean

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The ELLAS-Women and Philanthropy Program convened  women from all over Spanish-speaking Latin America and Latino communities in the United States to run for the 1st. GENEROUS Award. Twenty-three of those women have been selected for this book because they have been encouraged to change the rules of their communities.


Beyond their cultural diversity - they represent very different countries, social backgrounds and generations - the convergence between them is evident. Above all, when it comes to understanding that the biggest political problem of our time is gender inequality, that is, the lack of opportunities that women have to develop in freedom.


The Rebellion of the everyday is a militant book.




The rebellion of  the everyday

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Strategic Philanthropy Handbook for the Formation of Women´s Giving Circles

We have prepared this Handbook for those who want to start a circle of donors or strengthen one that already exists. Our goal is to inspire you as you create and grow a substantive and effective donor circle with a clear goal. What we want is to put at your disposal tools and practices and share warnings to avoid obstacles. We don't tell you who to “give” to: that's up to you and the members of your circle.

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